It’s Really Happening!

The idea of a blog has been on my heart and in my mind for quite some time now. I love to write and I love to talk. I’ve been told I can talk the red off a stop sign, but I do it anyway. That does not always transfer into a good writer. I am not an English major, so please be kind. I’m learning how to download and upload, how to find my way around
adding pictures and making this look like me. I don’t know how to do it all yet but I’m going to do it.

I’m going to do it afraid.
I’m going to do it with terrible anxiety and insecurity.
I’m going to do it for my family.
I’m going to do it for me.
I’m just going to do it!

I am in my second act of life when things are very different. My children are grown with their own children. Many of my friends are right here with me. We are trying to navigate this new looking life. As I was at lunch today with some girlfriends, we were laughing reminiscing about old times when one said, “I have less years to live on this earth than I have already lived and it has gone too fast”. We are all very close in age. We all looked at each other thinking what an awful thought, at the same time we all agreed to live it to its fullest. We are not old!!! We don’t want to miss anything.

I would love for this to be interactive. I want to share ideas and have you share yours with me. I want to reach out to those of you who are also going through this new chapter. I also want to share my family with you. I want you to meet each one of them and see how our crazy lives are so beautifully wrapped together. We couldn’t do this life without each other, God truly new who to piece together for this great adventure. So come along y’all, we’ve got some fun to have!